Optimize decision-making through behavioral science and data analytics
We understand and change human behavior to create better business and policy outcomes.
At the heart of every decision is a person.
As a team of multi-disciplinary experts, we work with our clients to apply behavioral economics, and data analytics to improve business, policy, and human outcomes.

Who We Are
Behavioral and Data Scientist at Heart
With over 25 years of experience, our behavioral economists, operation strategists, and data analytics experts work in partnership with national and regional governments, global and local businesses, and NGOs to tackle policy issues and optimize organization’s strategy and operations.

Our Method
Prediction. We develop and utilize a most rigorous method that integrates behavioral science, economics, and econometrics in all our analyses. This uniquely cutting-edge method, which we term BEE, is beyond predictions based on historical data. Rather, it enables us to generate foresight by proactively collecting data to explain and predict behaviors at a level of accuracy that even the CS-oriented AI or machine learning cannot reach.
Prediction. We develop and utilize a most rigorous method that integrates behavioral science, economics, and econometrics in all our analyses. This uniquely cutting-edge method, which we term BEE, is beyond predictions based on historical data. Rather, it enables us to generate foresight by proactively collecting data to explain and predict behaviors at a level of accuracy that even the CS-oriented AI or machine learning cannot reach.
Clients We Have Served